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Post: #1Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:07 pm

TFN Staff

TFN Staff

Titanfall has been out long enough now, for most of us to know what our favorite weapons are. So im asking all of you.. What do you use in Titanfall?

For both Pilot and Titan. Tell me your loadouts!


Post: #2Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:38 pm



Was playing at a buddies house, and he was only level 13. Played with his account until it hit about 23. The AR that you start out with isnt too bad. Attached the holo sight onto it. I also like the first SMG unlocked and love how the shotguns kill so fast at close range.

Im sure as I unlock weapons I will change my opinion.

The spitfire LMG looks nasty.

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