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Post: #1Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:04 pm



Titanfall developers have already said they did not create this game to be geared towards the competitive side of gaming.

With that said.. do most clans play casually? Or do you think they will add in Competitive settings later on? Does your clan play competitively? If so, how are going to go about this... maybe a MLG section will be added over at MLG.

Casual or Competitive.. How will your clan partake in Titanfall?

Post: #2Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:00 pm



I believe if there is going to be private lobbies. Competitive gaming will always exist. Look at Gears of War. That game wasn't built for MP in mind, and it turned into the focus point for next two games, but they just couldn't produce like they did for UT.

Titanfall I think will develop into a competitive standpoint. One way or another.

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