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Post: #1Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:19 pm



David Rodriguez wrote:One of the biggest talking points surrounding Titanfall, the upcoming shooter from Respawn Entertainment, has been the developer’s decision to construct the game’s multi-player as teams of six versus six. According to Respawn Entertainment Founder Vince Zampella, that decision was, “not an arbitrary number we picked out of a hat…we played the game…we had it higher, we had it lower, 6v6 was the sweet spot. It was dense enough, it was chaotic enough, but not overbearing.”

To supplement the teams of six, bots will be a major part of online gameplay. When asked as to whether or not players will be able to tweak the difficulty of these bots, Mr. Zampella responded with a curt, “No.” Regarding the differences between the beta and the full release, he added that the core is there, and despite changes are made under the hood, the behaviors of the bots will largely stay the same.

Titanfall will be published by Electronic Arts for the Xbox One and PC on March 11th and Xbox 360 on March 25th, 2014.

Source: http://www.dualshockers.com/2014/02/12/respawn-entertainments-vince-zampella-titanfalls-6v6-was-not-an-arbitrary-decision-bots-not-modifiable/

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