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Post: #1Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:21 pm



Game of the Show: Titanfall

EA / Respawn Entertainment
Release date: Spring 2014

EGX 2013 - Game of the Show #titannews 91

All of that said, is COD and Battlefield's rivalry about to be swept aside by a new contender? The answer from EGX was a unanimous 'yes', as Titanfall topped the Game of the Show poll by a huge margin. Launching on Xbox One, PC and Xbox 360, Respawn's game takes the crisp, fast-paced shooting of Call of Duty and twists it into a totally new shape, with the emphasis on variety and sheer fun factor. With gameplay see-sawing between the powerful Titans and the agile pilots - giving you two perspectives on the maps as it does so - as well as storytelling blended into multiplayer and neat twists to the formula like post-match extractions, Titanfall shakes up the deathmatch as much as anything has in a decade. In the process, it also makes shooting fun again for jaded players and terrible shots like me. This could be just the tonic the FPS scene needs.



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