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Post: #1Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:57 pm

TFN Staff

TFN Staff

From @Laddie13 from the official Respawn forums:

The time is almost upon us to celebrate the little community night that could, Titanfall Tuesday. Invites are out and if you received one it means you have contributed to the amazing and loyal community that I'm so happy to be a part of. I'm stealing one of my earlier posts with a small update because it came from the heart and while I could surely change the words, the sentiment would be the same.

It's hard to believe that my little community night once known as Tuesday Night Grave Robbing and later converted to the more generic but far less creepy Titanfall Tuesday is turning one. On July 8, 2014 the first iteration of a community night was born when I hand picked a few forum members to take on various public and private matches to see what worked best. A few more test runs were conducted and I decided I wanted my community night to be fun and casual and most definitely open to all Titanfall fans no matter what level of skill you played at. I also decided I wanted to play Titanfall the way Respawn intended even in private matches, why mess with perfection. And so it began.

Tuesday Night Grave Robbing went public on August 4, 2014. We've lost some players along the way (some of them still drop by from time to time) but have also gained new friends from other communities. I'm amazed and proud that something I started is still going strong a year later. While I will retain bragging rights, I realize Titanfall Tuesday and its continued success isn't about me, but instead a testament to an amazing game made by Respawn Entertainment and the fine community the game has generated that I'm proud to be part of. Of course a community is only as great as its leader and they don't get any better than Abbie Heppe who has always been supportive and even drops by to play when she can, thanks Abbie!

A special shout out is in order to a few of you that have rarely missed a Titanfall Tuesday, MoBee, XL and Schumster, without you guys I'm not sure Titanfall Tuesday would be the success it is, thank you! I'm looking forward to spending many more Tuesday's playing Titanfall with you guys. Man, I'll really miss you when Titanfall 2 comes out for the PS4...I'm joking!

It's by sheer coincidence that the date I've chosen to celebrate Titanfall Tuesday just happens to fall on another anniversary of mine. August 11, 2011 was the day I became a moderator for Respawn Entertainment. It's been an exciting four years filled with mostly good experiences and a few not so good ones. Ha-ha, I'm pretty sure I've been called every name in the book and there were times I thought, is this worth it? There was one point when I had been going through a difficult time in my personal life and my role as a community moderator was not helping. I decided that I would step down from my moderator position. A few of my fellow mods and Abbie intervened and talked me down. Looks like you are stuck with me Titanfall community!

Titanfall Tuesday August 11, 2015, 10 PM EDT.

When it came to sending invites, I struggled with how many to send out, in the end I ended up with more than my initially planned 12, including myself. If everyone actually shows up, we may have to do some scheduling but everyone will get the chance to play. Private matches will be played with default settings and include a mix of maps and modes. Please, do not secretly change settings, we can play custom games if everyone agrees but it's my preference we play the game as if they were public matches.

Thank you for supporting my community night, let's keep it going until Titanfall 2 comes out!


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