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Post: #1Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:55 pm

TFN Staff

TFN Staff

DigSite (Frontiers Edge DLC) First Look #titannews Dig_site_02

Dig Site

Mining operations are on hold while the Militia defend this crucial asset against IMC attacks. Surrounded by sheer rock walls that offer natural protection against air assault, the site becomes a bloody ground war characterized by titan skirmishes over subtle elevation changes in the terrain, and a mix of short and medium-range engagements for pilots.

DigSite (Frontiers Edge DLC) First Look #titannews Dig_site_03

Titans patrol the narrow pathways between the industrial processing buildings while pilots leap overhead, and an imposing rock saw the size of an overturned office building looms over the site providing cover and high ground for pilots.

DigSite (Frontiers Edge DLC) First Look #titannews Dig_site

Make sure to join us over the next week as we reveal both Export and Haven. And don’t miss our upcoming Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge Live stream! http://www.twitch.tv/titanfall


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