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Post: #1Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:45 pm




I have been waiting a long time for this game. I loved the second game, and may actually go back to play it on PC soon.  Now I don't know if I should get it for 360. I def want to get it for PC.  I would have gotten it for 360 if it came out sooner, and the original studio didn't close.  I do have the 2nd game for 360, which is how I had the most fun. D2 esk setting with a crazy difficulty.  You can level up to 200 in the first two. Not sure about this one. Still no details on that. No loading times because you were on one huge world which the game loaded by map exploration.  

If you haven't tried out the game, I would suggest getting the 2nd game on steam, comes with the expansion. Which I have not experienced yet since the console never got the expansion.

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