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Post: #1Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:23 pm

TFN Staff

TFN Staff

We have added a couple new User Ranks here on TFN.

If you are eligible to have one of the below ranks, simply create a post in this thread requesting it! If you referred someone to this site, please indicate in your post who it was.. makes it easier for us to cross reference and check Wink.


Refer a friend today and acquire the "Alpha Soldier" user rank on TitanFall Nation. Along with the new title of "Alpha Soldier" you earn an "Alpha Soldier" User Rank Bar and a "Alpha Soldier" Avatar.

New site user ranks explained Alphan12

Simply tell your friends to sign up on Titanfall Nation and have them put your username in the referrer field.

New site user ranks explained Referr10



Simply Register by March 25th (The final release date for a Titanfall Game in NA) and acquire the "OG Soldier" user rank on TitanFall Nation. Along with the new title of "OG Soldier" you earn an "OG Soldier" User Rank Bar and a "OG Soldier" Avatar.

New site user ranks explained Og-sol11

If we find user's using the avatars without the proper permissions, punishment will be dealt. Could be as severe as a Ban from the site.

More Ranks coming soon. Stay tuned.

TFN Staff


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