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Post: #1Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:59 pm



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Advertising of any commercial product or service on these forums is not permitted. Chain letters and pyramid schemes are similarly prohibited. Also, please don't post just to post... be constructive.

Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Use common sense while posting.

Offensive Content
Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense.

Illegal Content
Providing or asking for information on how to illegally obtain or provide software ("warez") or music is forbidden.

Posting a thread in more than one forum is annoying and thus not allowed. Just post it once in the correct place.

Copyright and ownership
Comments & forum messages are owned by the poster.

Don't be a pain
Or we'll add some really embarrassing music to your profile and email all your friends.

No, really…

Any penalties for the above rules are at the moderation team's discretion. Rules may be updated and/or changed at any time so please check back often.


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